He is obedient. He is always ready to help others with what they are doing. Even when others do not want to work around the house, he does it without complaining.
2019 in the Rearview Mirror
Stories We Have Heard and Known
I am in Arkansas for a couple weeks, helping my son and his soon-to-be bride prepare for their big day. Being here brings a pause from the normal and extra time for morning reflection.
This morning’s readings took me to Psalm 78:
“I will teach you hidden lessons from our past—
stories we have heard and known,
stories our ancestors handed down to us.
We will not hide these truths from our children;
we will tell the next generation
about the glorious deeds of the Lord,
about his power and his mighty wonders.”
A fun time for Handy at his 9th birthday party yesterday. Oh, how God is redeeming his story.
May we always remember what God has done at Haiti Awake through the years, and may we never fail to remind the next generation of all we ourselves have seen and experienced.
“So the next generation might know them—
even the children not yet born—
and they in turn will teach their own children.
So each generation should set its hope anew on God,
not forgetting his glorious miracles
and obeying his commands.”
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided. Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me.
Thomas Chisholm
Welcome to our new child sponsorship coordinator
This Is Amazing Grace
Direction versus Guidance
We learn and grow
But one of the most beautiful, soul-sanctifying things God ever does for us is to bless our lives through those we’ve come to bless, to expose the pride and superiority that makes us think we’re in perceived control of them, and to realize that God is the one who’s truly in control of all of us. Sure, people learn and grow from what we do, but we learn and grow as well by being in their company.
— Joey Lankford
Cesnel's Big Adventure
Five years of loving Handy Oge
Celebrating Missions
On Monday, May 7, 2018, over 200 people gathered at Scotts Hill Baptist Church in Wilmington, NC, to celebrate missions around the world. On this night, 25 tables were set to share more about missions based in the Wilmington area but operating all over the world.
Two of the tables hosted by Pastor Roger Barnes, Sophie Leonard, Alexandria Augi and Jennifer Augi (all members of the March 2018 team) highlighted and told the story of Haiti Awake.
Sophie Leonard and Alexandria Augi were also able to talk with the children in attendance at this event about the Bible schools they led in Haiti while traveling with Haiti Awake. They encouraged the children not to feel limited by their age but to listen for God’s calling to go and serve being the hands and feet of Jesus.
The mission night was a wonderful opportunity to share in our local community how lives in Haiti are being changed through friendship, discipleship, community, teaching, resources, time, and most importantly the unifying love of Jesus Christ.
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD,
the people he chose for his inheritance.”
96 hours in Haiti
Exchange in the Atlanta airport last night.
Immigration agent: "Where are you returning from?"
Me: "Port au Prince, Haiti."
Agent: "Why were you there?"
Me: "To celebrate a 3 year old's birthday."
Agent: "Excuse me?"
Me: "To celebrate a child's birthday. He's 3 years old now."
Agent: "You went to Haiti to celebrate a child's birthday?'
Me: "Yes. That's right."
Agent: "That's an unusual reason to visit Haiti. But a good one. Have a nice evening."
Caleb's last day as a two-year-old.
Yes, it was an unusual reason, but such a good one! Going to Haiti this week was all about celebrating the goodness of God in the life of Caleb Steven Derard, my favorite 3-year-old. Caleb's birthday is something I hope to be able to celebrate with him each year because his life is a miracle.
In case you've never read his birth story, you can find it here:
The short time in Hait this week was very productive, however, beyond just sharing a meal and cake with Caleb on Wednesday.
To answer the question, "How was your week in Haiti?" I decided to share the schedule that we at Haiti Awake followed day-by-day. I know sometimes people wonder what we do when there's not a team. Well, this should give you some idea . . . at least of what we did April 16 - 20.
As I always say, no matter how long I am in Haiti, it's never enough time. This short trip was definitely no exception. Friday afternoon found us rushing to get to the airport and squeezing every last minute out of my time there.
Arrive on Delta 685
3:30 p.m. Meet with the children
Spend evening unpacking
8 p.m. Meeting with Polo re: economic development and more
9:30 p.m. Meeting with Steeve
Work out details of sewing project
Look at new places to take summer teams
Afternoon with the children
9:30 Meeting with Steeve
Shop for the children's home
Go to the market to get supplies for Caleb's party
Visit other missionaries
11 am. Caleb’s birthday
Gifts for friends in neighborhood
Visit children
9:30 meeting with Steeve
8:30 Go to immigration to finish application for my permis
Noon Meeting at hospital with medical staff
Pack bracelets and other Mission Made Jewelry items. Pay everyone for a job well done.
3 pm April birthday party for children and staff
Meeting with the wash ladies
After dinner, rooftop meeting to close out the week
8:00 Meet with ladies again
9:30 Meet with Steeve and Polo re: children's home
11:00 Staff meeting
Noon Finish last minute packing, eat lunch, grab a shower and dress for airport
1 p.m. Say goodbye to kids
1:15 Leave for airport
Leave on Delta Flight 684 3:30. p.m.
The summer is coming up quickly. We plan to host 6 separate teams in June and July. Much of the next two months will be in preparation for hosting our friends and sharing more of what we believe God has called us to in Haiti - Community Development, Economic Development and Church Ministry Development based in Relationships, Gospel, and Hope.
Until next time . . .
“But as the friendships on the streets and in the neighborhoods grew, we came to understand that we were not ministering “to” our friends, but in ministry “among” them. We ourselves were being ministered to as authentic and humanizing relationships emerged. ”
2017 in Review
It's been another year. We have another opportunity to look back and see God's providence, His faithful hand, His leading...and to see that once again, we never walked alone.
The first four months of the year were marked by change as the children came under our care. We also began to discuss the idea of expanding Haiti Awake outside of Port au Prince, hosted teams in the new upstairs guesthouse, launched our child sponsorship program, and added stateside coordinators - Hannah Telman, Liz Kyle, and Alicia Mercer.
Glwa pou Bondye.
The middle four months were characterized by teams - five of them to be exact . . . in addition to the four we had already hosted in the first four months of 2017. Fun times. Busy times. Times of growth. Many of this summer's team members became sponsors to our children, and for that we are grateful.
The latter part of 2017 brought great joy, as well as some hard times. The children returned to school for their 3rd year of schooling since Haiti Awake began providing for their tuition, and we rejoiced. Haiti Awake was also able to open the copy center and begin its first chicken project during this same period. We are thankful that God continues to expand our resonsibilities. We also were forced to think about the brevity of life when Wesly and Idelmy were involved in a serious accident. And we finished out the year with a wonderful Christmas celebration provided by friends and sponsors.
We look forward with great anticipation to where God will providentially lead in 2018. We anticipate growth through new business opportunities as well as outreach and expansion of responsibility outside of Port au Prince. But we recognize and affirm the truth found in Proverbs 16:9:
“We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.”
Tout glwa pou Bondye. Toutan.
Happy birthday, Boss Man
From our first meeting . . .
Until today . . .
You are loved, Handy Oge.
Happy 8th birthday!
“The Lord bless you, and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine on you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance on you,
And give you peace.”
Thoughts on a Sunday afternoon
That Picture-Perfect Day
That Day When Your Dream Comes True
“Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.”
In January when we asked the children, "What is your dream?", most responded with traditional jobs like "block layer," "translator," "nurse" . . . and as I looked at their responses, it was easy to envision how they could grow up to be these things.
When I saw Kiki's card, however, I knew that it would have to be a God thing.
Today, however, Kiki had his first experience toward fulfilling his dream. He had the opportunity to be the "co-pilot" on a Mission Aviation Fellowship flight.
The very fact that this little 6 year old with big dreams was up in an airplane today, able to see the amazing beauty of his country, confirms for us at Haiti Awake that God has BIG plans for our Kiki . . . and that Jesus will complete the work He has started in Kiki's life (Phil. 1:6).... as He will for all of the children in our care.
To all the children, we say, "Dream big!'
“The LORD will accomplish what concerns me; Your lovingkindness, O LORD, is everlasting; Do not forsake the works of Your hands.”
Oh, and we did realize today that Kiki's not quite ready for flight school. Nap time called during the flight, and even though he was so excited to be flying . . . he couldn't fight off the need for some zzzz's.
Thank you MAF Haiti for making a little boy's dream become reality.