Exchange in the Atlanta airport last night.
Immigration agent: "Where are you returning from?"
Me: "Port au Prince, Haiti."
Agent: "Why were you there?"
Me: "To celebrate a 3 year old's birthday."
Agent: "Excuse me?"
Me: "To celebrate a child's birthday. He's 3 years old now."
Agent: "You went to Haiti to celebrate a child's birthday?'
Me: "Yes. That's right."
Agent: "That's an unusual reason to visit Haiti. But a good one. Have a nice evening."
Caleb's last day as a two-year-old.
Yes, it was an unusual reason, but such a good one! Going to Haiti this week was all about celebrating the goodness of God in the life of Caleb Steven Derard, my favorite 3-year-old. Caleb's birthday is something I hope to be able to celebrate with him each year because his life is a miracle.
In case you've never read his birth story, you can find it here:
The short time in Hait this week was very productive, however, beyond just sharing a meal and cake with Caleb on Wednesday.
To answer the question, "How was your week in Haiti?" I decided to share the schedule that we at Haiti Awake followed day-by-day. I know sometimes people wonder what we do when there's not a team. Well, this should give you some idea . . . at least of what we did April 16 - 20.
As I always say, no matter how long I am in Haiti, it's never enough time. This short trip was definitely no exception. Friday afternoon found us rushing to get to the airport and squeezing every last minute out of my time there.
Arrive on Delta 685
3:30 p.m. Meet with the children
Spend evening unpacking
8 p.m. Meeting with Polo re: economic development and more
9:30 p.m. Meeting with Steeve
Work out details of sewing project
Look at new places to take summer teams
Afternoon with the children
9:30 Meeting with Steeve
Shop for the children's home
Go to the market to get supplies for Caleb's party
Visit other missionaries
11 am. Caleb’s birthday
Gifts for friends in neighborhood
Visit children
9:30 meeting with Steeve
8:30 Go to immigration to finish application for my permis
Noon Meeting at hospital with medical staff
Pack bracelets and other Mission Made Jewelry items. Pay everyone for a job well done.
3 pm April birthday party for children and staff
Meeting with the wash ladies
After dinner, rooftop meeting to close out the week
8:00 Meet with ladies again
9:30 Meet with Steeve and Polo re: children's home
11:00 Staff meeting
Noon Finish last minute packing, eat lunch, grab a shower and dress for airport
1 p.m. Say goodbye to kids
1:15 Leave for airport
Leave on Delta Flight 684 3:30. p.m.
The summer is coming up quickly. We plan to host 6 separate teams in June and July. Much of the next two months will be in preparation for hosting our friends and sharing more of what we believe God has called us to in Haiti - Community Development, Economic Development and Church Ministry Development based in Relationships, Gospel, and Hope.
Until next time . . .