CESNEL: The fact that God has protected the Haiti Awake's staff that went to do outreach in Leogane and opportunity to help others.
BIG: The opportunity I have to learn the word of God with the children more this month.
WESLY: The opportunity we have to help others. and, in one month, we have two prison outreaches. That's worth to be celebrated.
STEEVE: Since we are living in a difficult country, where safety is a big issue. The local reporters attribute different expressions to the month of August, in a way to explain how bad it was for Haitian people because of safety problems. The fact that we (the staff at Haiti Awake) are out every day and able to get back home safely, I want to celebrate that with great joy.
WIDECHERLINE: I want to celebrate the fact that God has allowed Haiti Awake to have outreach at Leogane and was able to help other people.
ANTONIDE: I want to celebrate for the joy we have at Haiti Awake.
HUDSON I celebrate the fact that God didn’t only provided everything for Haiti Awake to ourselves but allow us to go to make outreach in other communities.
PHEBE: I want to celebrate the fact that God has protected us from the pandemic.
HANDY: God provides food for us every month, then we are even able to help others, especially those in prison
LORVENS: The opportunity Haiti Awake has to help people, and we are healthy.
MANOUCHEKA: I would celebrate the fact that God has kept us safe.
VORB: I want to celebrate health and the opportunity to serve others.
MACKEN Celebrate the fact that we went to the last outreach to go blessing people far away from our community.
STANLEY: For the safety and for keeping us healthy.
DAVENSKY: God provides food for Haiti Awake's children on time.
FANOR: The fact that God has protected all of us at Haiti Awake.
IDELMY: God keeps the Haiti Awake staff safe and everyone healthy; monthly providence
YVENSON: God didn't allow me to go the hospital
MIGERLSON: Even though life is difficult, Haiti Awake continues to help other people and keep us healthy despite the pandemic
One of many beautiful photos captured by Hudson on the team’s recent outreach to Leogane.