Seven years of knowing & loving CERMICOL

Seven years ago today, after much prayer and perseverance in getting the proper authorization, Haiti Awake was able to visit CERMICOL for the first time. The young men were kept in their cells, and we went door-to-door to speak to them. The doors were covered by a metal grate, so it was difficult to see the boys’ faces. We had to put our eyes up to a hole and peer through as best we could.

In time we were allowed to see the boys. They would be brought out into the courtyard where they stood in rows, and we would address them there. But they were not allowed to address us.

As trust built, we were allowed to speak to them briefly as they sat in a large classroom. We would stand at the front. They would remain in their seats. There was very little interaction.

And now, seven years later, we enter as if we have arrived at home. We are welcomed and allowed to interact with the young men, having time to talk, to laugh, to get to know each other week-by-week.

Glwa pou Bondye.