Since Haiti Awake was founded, we’ve often quoted Proverbs 16:9 in order to remind ourselves that God is ultimately in control.
We can make our plans, but the Lord directs our steps.
Perhaps no year has this verse been more relevant than 2020.
In January we started the year with such optimism and so many plans. Jake Flaming and Michelle Carr came to Haiti for a few days to work on projects for 2020. They were also in attendance on the first Sunday of Eglise Évangélique de la Grace de Caradeux.
February was monumental for us because we helped the first child ever in our community with school fees. By year’s end, our community child sponsorship had grown to the point that we were able to help all children in the program with school-related fees for the 2020-2021 school year.
Then came March. And we all know what happened in March.
But prior to a great portion of the world going into quarantine, we had the most blessed weekend with our friends, the Finks. God knew how much our hearts needed encouragement from them before heading into a very uncertain season.
In April, we began to focus a great deal of our time and attention on creating a homeschool program. In Haiti, though school was suspended because of Covid-19, there was no plan for remote learning. So we created our own curriculum, and it was fun and fulfilling.
In May, God brought a series of events together in a way that can only be credited to Him, and we knew we were to intentionally begin investing in the life of a young woman named Kerwin. At the time, Kerwin’s health was very poor, and her situation seemed hopeless, but today, by God’s grace, we have seen her come back to life in so many ways. We are so thankful to be part of her story.
June was a month of continued opportunities for outreach - including an outreach at a women’s prison. Our friend, Brian Sanders, had encouraged us to focus on others during quarantine, and his perspective, his questions, his advice opened new avenues for ministry that are continuing. We are so thankful for the influence he has had in our lives this year.
In early July, the country of Haiti reopened its borders, which had been closed since mid-March. We felt like we were beginning to see some light and hope for better days ahead. One of the forward-planning things we did was take photos of all the children individually and collectively so we could send out new child sponsorship cards to all of the wonderful people who support Kay Timoun month after month.
August was a blessed month indeed. Life in Haiti began to return to normal, and we were able to host our first ever dental clinic for the children of Kay Timoun, our staff, and the children in our community. This was so exciting to everyone!
Becky was able to return to Haiti in September. Being away for 6 months was the longest absence she had ever had from Haiti since Haiti Awake was founded.
In October, we hosted our first Mission Made Live Facebook event since MMJ became part of Haiti Awake in July. The on-line event was incredibly successful. We are thankful for our team of volunteers here in the US who makes events like this possible.
November brought the homecoming of our friend Jocelyne Andre who was severely injured in an horrific accident in September. Many regular givers gave above and beyond to make sure Jocelyne and her family were cared for, and it has been our honor to help the family during this difficult time.
December was full of exciting events, but nothing compared to our opportunity to bless those in our community through Christmas for our Community, an annual event where Haiti Awake gives to vulnerable members of our community - a goat, rice, beans, and oil. What a joy it is to be part of this program year after year.
We look back on 2020 with utter amazement at the way God provided through every challenge, every difficulty. Our Community Child Sponsorship grew. Our opportunities for outreach expanded. Our own children and staff matured in many areas.
As we look toward 2021, we have chosen the following verse to guide us:
“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”