“With all sincerity, I can say it was a wonderful week. Everybody was happy for this new house in Doko. It is one of the nicest houses up there. This week was an opportunity for several people to have a job, & some people just came by to help. Even children were able to make a little bit of money, & we have new friends. ”
It was nearly 11 months ago that Hurricane Matthew took aim at the southern peninsula of Haiti, and we first became acquainted with people in Doko. We shared our experience from that first weekend here: http://www.haitiawake.org/news/2016/10/9/the-heart-can-only-grieve-what-the-eyes-have-seen
In January we returned to Doko. Seeing the difference that three months had made in the reemergence of life and community was encouraging. We knew at that time God was leading us to do more in Doko.
And this last week, Steeve, Fre Jacques, and Macken went to Doko for the week to work on repairing and expanding a home that had remained inhabitable, though damaged, since the storm. What they saw was the beauty returning to the countryside. The lush vegetation is back, and many fruit trees are already bearing fruit.
Doko needs the Gospel.
We are praying that God will allow us continued opportunties to love people there so that we can build relationships, based on the Gospel, abounding in hope. Please pray with us.