Since mid-January, we have been earnestly praying that God would direct us to a more permanent caregiver situation for the children. With the sudden departure of their former caregivers, the staff of Haiti Awake banded together and "made it work," but we all knew that eventually we would need a more stable environment for them.
Shortly after Hurricane Matthew, God allowed Jean Fritz Jacques to begin working with us. His spiritual maturity, his gentle spirit, his quick smile were things that quickly endeared him to me personally.
And over the last 9 months, I have watched him become more and more a part of our family here at Haiti Awake.
In June, we were intensely praying that God would provide a good woman to mother the children, and one night in mid-June, God made it abundantly clear that Frè Jacques' wife, Sè Cilotte, was that woman.
Steeve and I had several meetings with the Sè Cilotte and Frè Jacques in June and July, and after much prayer and discussion on all sides, they have agreed to join the staff of Haiti Awake and move into the children's home to assume the role of house parents.
We could not be any happier for the children and for them.
The rest of the Haiti Awake staff will continue to be part of the children's lives each week through intentional interactions. For example, Wesly will continue to sleep at the children's home to provide security, and Polo will continue to administer many of the children's programs. Maken is so good with the children in loving them, being a friend, and organizing games, while Big and Donalson are great homework tutors.
“I am happy to be a part of this team, Haiti Awake. I’m a teacher, and I am learning to sew. I have been married for 4 years, and I am a Christian. I used to teach to teach a Sunday school class, and I have been to training for Sunday school. I am a member of Patriarche Eglise Baptiste de Cazeau.”
“I am happy to be a part of this team, Haiti Awake. I am a carpenter and cabinet maker. I learned this profession in school. I have been married for four years, and I am a Christian. I went to seminary, and I am preacher. I am a member of Patriarche Eglise Baptiste de Cazeau.”