Two years ago right now, these kids were barely eating. We visited them in October of 2014 and found them dirty, hungry, thirsty . . . miserable.
And then something amazing happened. God spoke specifically to one family. And that one family made a commitment to these children.
Later, God spoke specifically to another man who had a vision for these children to not only have a safe place to live and daily food to eat but to have an education, as well.
That man shared his vision with others . . .
The first day of school - September 2016
And last year they went to school - many for the first time.
The first day of school - October 2015
Now look at them today. God does amazing things through the generosity of His children. We at Haiti Awake are thankful for the many people God has sent to Haiti on short-term missions teams in the last two years - people who have seen specific needs and addressed them with financial support. It is because of the generosity of many people that Haiti Awake is growing in its ability to fulfill its mission statement:
“Our goal is to equip these local Christians to reach their own communities and their own country through showing Christ’s love in action.”
“This is the LORD’S doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.”
Those of you who know the children might notice that Idelmy is not with the rest of the children today. Please pray for him. He has been struggling with his health in recent weeks, and he was not able to attend the first day of school. I know this is difficult for him.
Special thanks to Hudson and Polo for getting some great photos to share this morning.
These two handsome young men started school at IMPAD this morning, too. We are thankful for the way God provides for everyone associated with Haiti Awake.
Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21