How do you explain a place that does not even make sense? How do you describe a place few will ever have the opportunity to visit?
These photos don't explain. They don't even describe, but they are all we have.
Over the last year, Haiti Awake has been actively pursuing a relationship with both the prisoners and the staff of Cermicol, a juvenile prison in Delmas. We are thankful to have been granted access to take these few photos to help you understand a place where on most days over 100 teenage boys are imprisoned. Their alleged crimes vary, but their stories are the same.
Their stories are similar to yours.
Their stories are similar to mine.
They are broken people in need of a Savior.
For those of you who have generously given to support our prison outreach in the past, we thank you. The boys were thrilled to get care packages filled with soap, shampoo, hard candy, and a snack on our last visit. Everyone appreciated the food, sodas, and water we were able to purchase through the financial generosity of those who support Haiti Awake monthly.
As a mom of boys who are the same age as the prisoners, I always struggle in my heart when we go to Cermicol, and yet I always want to go back. For me the highlight of our last visit was seeing one young man get a big smile on his face when he saw Lifesavers in his bag and to hear so many of the boys say, "Mesi," with genuine gratitude. It was also good, though sad, to talk with boys we've met in the past.
Please pray with us that we will continue to find favor with those who have the authority to allow us access to the prison, and pray that our visits are a way to show Christ's love in action.
“Remember the prisoners, as though you were in prison with them, and the mistreated, as though you yourselves were suffering bodily.”