Haiti Awake

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Because we see ourselves in relationship with people

I journal every single day. Sometimes my journal entries are simply a quote, a Bible verse, or a single thought. Other days, I might write a page or two or more.

Today I was looking back and found this message from 2014. How true it rings still - and how appropriate to share it with you now.

You see, when I first started going to Haiti in 2012, personal interaction in the community was not encouraged by the organization with whom I worked. In fact, in many ways it was actively discouraged. In those brief times when I was free to leave the compound walls, I found myself face to face with people in Tabarre 14 who I quickly came to love and know by name.

One of the first children I came to know was Kenny. There are so many children in our community. But she has always stood out because of her big personality. She may actually be the first child I came to know outside of the family members of adults I knew.

When we started Haiti Awake in 2014, she and her sisters began coming faithfully to our neighborhood Bible schools. And we have over time gotten to know more of them and their story.

Kenny’s family was one of the families who you blessed through Christmas for our Community two years ago.

And now, it seems appropriate to make Kenny our first sponsored child in our neighborhood. Our vision is to stand with her family, support their parenting, encourage Kenny in her schooling and her walk with God, and make her part of our extended family. Though she will continue to live with her family, she will very much be part of our Haiti Awake family, as well.

Kenny needs a sponsor who will believe in her, who will be faithful in financial and prayer support - a sponsor who sees himself or herself in relationship with this precious young lady. Is that someone you?

Sunday we invited Kenny to the monthly Haiti Awake birthday party for our children and staff. We did this in faith, knowing that someone will step up to be her sponsor.

Yesterday Steeve wrote this in the Bible Haiti Awake gifted her for her birthday:

Kenny, we want you to know God loves you. You are a beautiful girl. Always allow the Word of God to light your way like Psalm 119:105 says.

Haiti Awake loves you so very, very much.

God bless you.

We are so thankful that God has led us to include Kenny in our greater vision for our community. If you would like to sponsor Kenny, please contact Kelsey Stott at sponsorship@haitiawake.org

Thank you for caring about the people we love.

Becky Graves, Executive Director