Haiti Awake

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A Time for Celebration

Today we are extremely proud to announce that Steeve Derard passed his national exams and has completed high school!  This is an amazing accomplishment and the result of a year-long journey of difficult decisions, sacrifice, and hard work.

A classical high school education in Haiti isn't easy.   In fact, it's quite intense.

Steeve sacrificed a great deal in the last year - including spending time with our summer teams - in order to study.  It wasn't easy staying behind while everyone else went out in June, but the results are evidence of his determination to succeed.

Steeve studied so many hours, writing on the chalkboard behind the house.

The next step for Steeve is seminary training.  Please continue to pray for him as he pursues God's best for his life.

STEP is the seminary Steeve hopes to attend

Steeve's test scores were the 2nd highest in his class, and he was class president this school year.  His resolve and dedication certainly paid off.