Taye zeb anba pye.
Literal translation for this expression would be “cut grass under the feet”
We have two seasons in Haiti - drought and rainy seasons. On the first one, it’s very hot and the soil is hot under people’s feet, too. In some areas, people tend to walk around their houses and work on the farms in their bare feet. It’s a great help to find some grass to put their feet on when they are outside with no shoes. Imagine someone trying to cut off this grass from under their resting feet!
Haitian people say this expression when someone is trying, by any means, to make others lose an opportunity. It could be their job, their position, or privilege. Mostly it is about taking it from them.
It is important to teach people not to do so because others do not have to lose their opportunity/position/place/privilege. Let's support each other so that others can have a chance, as well.