Santi bon koute chè
Santi bon koute chè
Literal translation for this proverb could be “Good smell is expensive."
Haitian people, for the majority, identify themselves with what they possess, what they build and what they make, excluding poverty and what goes with it. They are ready to sacrifice money, effort, time or anything it takes to get what they want at the level/standard they impose on themselves.
In fact, they compare what is done well, or any great accomplishments to smelling good. And they say this proverb to let others know that smelling good costs a lot. It’s not only true for quality deodorants, clothing, perfume or personnel care but also for education, professional and academic accomplishment. It takes time, effort, knowledge, money, courage etc. to accomplish anything that deserves admiration and respect.
We all like to look and smell good. But we should also be ready to pay the price to have it, remembering that ‘santi bon koute chè’.