Twou manti pa fon
Twou manti pa fon
Literal translation for this proverb would be: “Lie’s hole is not deep”.
Lying is something people are fighting against. Can somebody say that he/she never tells a lie? But nobody likes to be told a lie. Some take pleasure in doing that, some say that they tell necessary lies, some do it accidentally, some say they do it to protect their interests or other interests or to save other’s lives. So many reasons are given to justify lying.
Haitian people say that lies are like a shallow hole. It will not take a lot of digging to be found. And time will put it out one day, anyway. They say this proverb to warn people against the illusion of not being discovered when they tell a lie. They also say this proverb when the truth comes to light and discover that someone was lying.
Lying is very damaging. It breaks relationships, makes people lose confidence in others and could lead to much harm. Every time you are tempted to tell a lie, remember that its hold is deep, and its consequences are heavy.